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Strategies For Life: 10 Best Practices

May 28 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Virtual event using Zoom

Over time, each one of us rely on personal strategies that support us as individuals.

This module includes powerful strategies in learning about potential, changing the energy of dysfunctional memories, changing habits, changing participant’s personal beliefs that affect their disposition to their personal journey (e.g. I am weak, I am broken, I can never stick to something, I have no motivation, I am lazy, I have no control, I have the genetics for addictions….etc.)

These strategies are the pillars and the foundation for participants to maintain the path chosen, not the path that was set by others, by traumatic events or by the beliefs inserted by others with messages over a life time.

Virtual event using Zoom

May 28 from 9:00 am - 11:00 am

funder-logo Alberta Health Services
funder-logo Prairies Economic Development Canada
funder-logo The Government of Alberta
funder-logo The Government of Canada
Prospect Human Services is a registered charity.