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Support Us

Welcome Prospect Partners!

Did you know that Prospect has been a registered charity for over 35 years?

At Prospect, we are proud of our many decades of success in breaking barriers and serving Albertans in their quest for meaningful employment.

We rely on the contributions and support of our valued sponsors and donors to help us achieve our mission, so that more Albertans are able to say the words:

“I got the job!”

Will you join us?

For General online and secure donations, kindly click on the icon below.

General Donations

Interested in becoming a Prospect Partner? We would be delighted to start a conversation! For more information, please contact:

Linda Demchuk
Fund Development Manager
C: 587.572.9695
E: linda.demchuk@prospectnow.ca

From all of us at Team Prospect – THANK YOU for being a champion for every Albertan that needs your help in restoring their confidence and rebuilding their lives.

funder-logo Alberta Health Services
funder-logo Prairies Economic Development Canada
funder-logo The Government of Alberta
funder-logo The Government of Canada
Prospect Human Services is a registered charity.